A Knititng Diary

Follow me on my knitting expeditions!

Two new books! May 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — ndscribbler @ 1:04 am

Today at Barnes & Noble I picked up “Sensual Knits” by Yahaira Ferrira and “Inspired to Knit” by Michele Rose Orne. They have gorgeous patterns and I’ve added just about all of them to my Ravelry queue.

I didn’t find a good yarn that I liked to knit Nicky’s Tuscany scarf, so that project will have to be put on hold for the time being. Right now I have my eye on “Snezi Oversized Shrug” in “Sensual Knits”. I think it’ll be great for this spring turning into summer weather.


Monkey Socks! April 18, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — ndscribbler @ 3:25 pm
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Earlier this week I c/o for the Monkey Socks by Cookie at Knitty.  So far they are coming along fabulously!  The lace pattern is turning out gorgeous and I’m already working on the heel gusset.  My only snag (self-inflicted) is that somewhere while I was turning the heel I ended up with 5 sts left to go on one side and none on the left side.  Does that make any sense?  You know how when you sl1, k/p x number of sts, k/p2tog and then k/p1?  When I attempted to go back so I could fix it, I got confused about which way I was undoing my sts and ended up saying ‘oh well’ and just forged ahead.  Luckily it was towards the end so I’m not sure if/how it will affect the fit of the sock.  But if I get to the end of my sock and try it on and it feels weird, I won’t feel bad about just ripping it all back to the heel beginning.

This past week it was my anniversary and so my husband and I received cards with some cash in it 🙂  After a (very) short debate we decided to split the money to do with as we pleased.  He bought more Warhammer stuff and I found a knit toy book in which I really like 90% of the patterns.  It’s “World of Knitted Toys” by Kath Dalmeny.  The one I really wanted to buy was “And so to Bed” by Lucinda Guy but at Amazon I could only find used copies and KnitPicks no longer had it in stock.  This morning I got an email from Amazon saying that the book I did order had been sent out so I should be receiving it by the end of next week!  Yay!


I am not allowed October 12, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ndscribbler @ 12:09 am
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…..to go into a yarn store unsupervised ever again.  Yesterday we did a surprise trip to the in-laws.  Since we were going, I wanted to pick up some yarn and circular needles so I could start knitting a simple crewneck sweater.  At Barnes & Noble last night I didn’t find a single knitting book that caught my interest (okay, didn’t catch my interest at $25+).  So I decided to just buy yarn and a needle and have a go at it.  Fate decided that wasn’t to be so today.  😦

I ended up choosing this gorgeous green yarn (I really wanted the buttercup yellow, but had a few reservations about me wearing that particular color) and picked up a pair of size 7 needles.  The ladies asked if I had a pattern and I said no.  They seemed shocked and said “Oh, well you will need a pattern, it will help you determine what you need!”  I was too nice to say “No thank you, I’m just going to hammer it out on my own” and ended up spending $70 on a book, my yarn and size 10 needles.  Not only that, but my son and husband spent a wonderful hour hanging out in the car while I did so.

Despite my mega spending there, I love all the sweaters in the book.  So it wasn’t a complete waste.  I picked a sweater that is labeled as medium difficulty and am excited to c/o for it.  🙂  My hubby told me that he is going to accompany me the next time I go in so I’m not gone for hours on end.  Plus, he said that when I go to Mpls, I’m going to need $1000 to dedicate to my yarn addiction.  I told him in rebuttal that at least I buy yarn that I plan on using, not just to have pretty yarn.